116th Anniversary 


Presented by:

Tompkins Community Bank Logo

Chaired by: Byron Golson & Stephanie Marsh

Thank you!

Settlement’s 116th Anniversary Gala was unforgettable, and we raised more than $357,000! All proceeds go towards financial aid, which benefits more than 60% of our students.

More than 300 guests joined us to celebrate 116 years of Settlement lighting the creative spark in generations of artists. We dined, danced, heard students perform, celebrated the Kardon Center for Creative Arts, and honored Stradley Ronon for over 25 years of dedicated service to the School. And, of course, we sparkled!!

We can’t wait to see you at our 117th Anniversary Gala next year!


See the photo album from the 116th Anniversary Gala

View the 116th Anniversary Gala program


Special thanks to the

116th Anniversary Gala Sponsors


Presenting Sponsor:

Tompkins Community Bank Logo

Design Sponsor:

Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young Logo

Wine Sponsor:

Moore Brothers Wine Company Logo


Visionary Sponsors:


BNY Logo


Ellen & Steven Friedell Logo


Macquarie Logo


Brian & Melissa Pinheiro Logo

PMA Logo

Champion Sponsors:

White and Williams LLP

Benefactor Sponsors:

AST Fund Solutions, LLC
Broadridge Financial Solutions
Brown’s Super Stores
Cozen O’Connor
DG3 North America, Inc.
Dilworth Paxon LLP
Drexel University
Ernst & Young
FGS Inc.
Jacobs Music
Justin & Mary Klein
Bruce & Robyn Leto
Greg & Susan Moore
Morrow Sodali Fund Solutions
Brian & Victoria Rothenberg
Robin Shapiro & Katherine Levin
Barrie Trimingham & David Pierson


We are so grateful to all our supporters who made our 115th Anniversary Gala such a great success.  For a glimpse of that evening, please check out our photos and program book: 

Photos by Anthony Wood 

Photos by Sean Kardon and Callie Dhondt 

115th Anniversary Gala Program